Backyard Dog Olympics

It is summertime and after a long wait, the Olympics are finally here! The 2021 games will be held in Tokyo, but it is the perfect opportunity to host your own summer Olympics in your back yard! Coordinate your own games and prizes that include your four-legged bestie and their friends.  Here are some fun games to kick off the Olympics with your dogs. (Pro-tip: make these games a learning experience for your dog and/or your kiddos!)  

1. Obstacle Course 

Kick off the competition with an obstacle course! Dog agility competitions are always fun to watch on TV so why not create your own? You can build your own course consisting of tunnels, weaving poles, and jumping obstacles. These courses can be simple to set up.  

  • Weaving Poles: Use poles that are flexible and stick them in the ground. On a typical agility course, there are 12 poles spaced about 24 inches apart but the wider spaced the poles are, the easier it will be for your dog. Start by walking through the poles yourself with a treat in your hand, repeating the command “weave,” to coax your pup through. Once he or she has the hang of it, move the poles closer together and watch your fur baby work!  

  • Tunnels: Set up a tunnel with a cardboard box or a collapsible tunnel. A pop-up laundry hamper with the bottom cut out of it could also do the trick. Train your dog to run straight through by throwing a tasty Evolve Jerky Bite through the tunnel and say the command “tunnel.”   

  • Jumping Obstacles: Place two objects at the same height for your stand and put a lightweight bar like a PVC tube on top. You can raise and lower the bar to challenge your dog. Make sure the bar can be knocked off, to avoid any injuries. Start small so your pup can gain confidence. Give them plenty of room to run up to the jump so they can get their momentum before going into it. Start with the bar low enough for them to step over and throw a treat to the other side while saying “over” or “jump.” As your dog learns to step over, slowly raise the bar until they are confident enough to run and jump. 


2. Clean Plate Club 

The clean plate club competition speaks for itself! What are your dog's favorite foods? This competition allows dogs to eat a series of foods that your dog can eat. A few suggestions are peanut butter, cheese, vegetables, coconut, various meats, or even some crackers. Be sure to reference The American Kennel Club list of items that are okay for dog consumption. Let your pooch lick the plate clean. The first fur-baby that eats everything will be declared winner. You can also set a timer so see who the fastest eater is and who will be crowned Clean Plate King or Queen. 

3. Talent Show 

Show of your pooches’ talents! Every dog has a few tricks up their sleeves, and this is the perfect time to highlight those exceptional skills. You can create various categories ranging from simple tricks, like hand shaking, to more advanced tricks, like jumping through a hula hoop. Some other talents to display could be lay down, roll over, play dead, bow, sit pretty, speak or whisper, and even a spin. This competition would require a few impartial human judges, so invite your friends and their dogs! You can also use scorecards to spice up the fun by rating their performances on a scale of 1-10. After the acts, reward your star with some Evolve jerky bites. 

4. Bob for Apple Slices  

All you need for this competition is a wide bowl, water, a stopwatch or watch, and a few apples to cut up. You can use whatever apples you have. When your fur-baby is ready to bob for apple slices, drop a specific amount in the water. The goal is for the dog to reach into the water and grab an apple slice. Give them 30 seconds to bob around and find their treats, then count the remaining slices. The dog who gets the most apple slices in 30 seconds is the winner! 

5. Ball Lottery 

This game will require dogs to retrieve numbered balls. You can use any type of ball that you can draw numbers on, though tennis balls would work best. Be sure to use a marker that is slobber proof and non-toxic to ensure your dog’s safety. Throw the balls all over the yard, while all of the contestants wait patiently. Give them a signal to release then have the dogs retrieve the a ball. The dog that collects the ball that displays the highest number wins the lottery!  

6. Disc Dogs

In this competition, dogs compete with their humans in a game of catch. The objective of this game is to see which duo can get the highest catch streak. The owner will throw the frisbee across the yard and the dog must catch the disc before it hits the ground. Once you and your pooch drop a frisbee, you are out of the game.  To keep the game fair, set a minimum length the frisbee must be thrown. You can use markers in the yard to determine how far the frisbee flies.  

7. Dress Up Relay 

How fast can you dress-up your fur-baby? The relay requires an assortment of random, old clothes. This can be the perfect excuse to clean out your closet or stop by your favorite, local thrift store. Relays are made for teams; the team can consist of one human and a few dogs.  Set a timer and race to the clothing with your dog to dress them up as fast as you can. Dogs are then heeled back to the starting line to tag the next team member. The fastest team wins! You can determine your own clothing requirements like a t-shirt with one leg through each sleeve, a hat, and socks. You can use scarves, button-downs, or even sunglasses.