Is No-Shave-November Right for My Dog?

It is the time of year when humans all over stop shaving for the month of November to participate in the ever-popular trend No-Shave-November. Although slacking on grooming might work for you, the trend will not fly with your pawfect pet. It is important to maintain routine grooming for your special fur-baby! Regular grooming will keep your pet happy and healthy. Below is a list of dog grooming tips to help your four-legged friend feel their best.

Importance of Routine

You want your fur-baby to feel and look like their best self. Grooming is an important part of keeping your four-legged friend healthy. It is more than just brushing and a bath, it is a way to check your pet’s coat, ears, nails, eyes, and teeth for any issues. The best way to help your fur-baby grow accustomed to the process is to develop a routine cleaning process, use the proper equipment for them, and ease their nerves with Evolve Jerky Bites as they adjust.

Although dogs do not require a daily hygiene routine, some require more frequent grooming's than others. The ASPCA recommends bathing your dog at least once every three months, but some may require more if they spend a lot of time outdoors or have skin problems.

Brushing and Bathing

Scrub a dub-dub, put your pup in the tub! Depending on your pet’s breed, skin issues, and outdoor activity, you will want to bathe them regularly. When it is bath time, use warm water and the right soap for your dog. The right soap will help prevent itching, dandruff, hot spots, and will leave your pup feeling fresh and oh so clean. First, wet your pup and apply shampoo to the back of the neck then lather them up and thoroughly rinse. After they shake the water away, rub vigorously with a towel. Finish the tub time with a solid brushing to remove any missed dirt and spread the natural oils.

When you do brush your dog, typically before and after bath time, make sure to use a brush or comb meant for your dog’s coat. Some long-haired coats need bristle brushes while others are fine with pin brushes. Regular brushing can help keep shedding under control.

Haircuts and Shedding

Long hair, do not care? Well, your pet might care and as their human, it is your duty to ensure your fur-baby's comfort. Depending on the breed, your pet might need to visit the groomers to take care of their unruly locks, however, not all dogs require extra maintenance. There are hairdos and hair-don’ts when it comes to the upkeep of your pet. If you do plan to trim your pet’s coat yourself, talk to a groomer to make sure you have all the proper equipment.

Proper grooming will also help with shedding issues. Shedding is a normal process for pooches but the hair can drive you a little crazy. Depending on their health, breed, and season, the amount of shedding will change throughout the year. Dogs who spend their time inside, tend to shed more evenly throughout the year. If your dog spends more time outside, their coat changes with the weather.

Always reward your hygiene warriors with Evolve treats! Does your pet require some particular care? Let us know!


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