Nothing Cooler than Staying Cool 😎

Summer is here in all its glory! Open the door, and the first thing to greet you is a cloud of humidity and the sun’s beaming rays. You’ve developed ways to cool yourself down during the summer months, but what about your pup? This month’s blog will give you a few tips to keep your furry friend cool & happy. 

The shade is your friend  

Did you know that on a hot day, shaded areas can feel 10-15 degrees cooler? If you plan on spending an extended period of time outside, it is important to find a spot where your pup can rest in the shade—you will probably appreciate it, too! A cool towel for your dog to lay on is an awesome addition to your shady spot. 🌲

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Cool off with homemade ice treats 

Show your pup a little bit of love with some homemade treats this summer. Recipes don’t get much easier than this: add your favorite Evolve treats to an ice cube tray with water or chicken broth, freeze, and serve! Your dog will love the challenge of getting the treat out of the ice cube. They’ll stay busy and keep cool; that’s what we call a win-win. 

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Dress for the weather 

It might seem silly that more layers are actually cooling your dog, but it is true. Protecting your dog from the elements will keep them happy and healthy during the summer months. 

Did you know that when the air temperature is 77 degrees, asphalt can be up to 125 degrees?! Walks on the sidewalk at that temperature are one quick way to burn your pup’s paws. Dog booties are a great way to protect your pup’s paws in all conditions. We also love these cooling jackets—perfect for hitting the trail or backyard. 

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Know the signs 

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Proper hydration is always important, but with higher temperatures, it is more essential than ever to encourage fluid intake for your animals and be on the lookout for signs of dehydration. If your furry friend is more concerned with playtime than drinking their water, try throwing a few ice cubes or a splash of chicken broth in their bowl to encourage drinking. 

For more ways to unleash your pet’s full potential, be sure to follow Evolve’s FacebookInstagram, and Twitter pages!

2 min readGuest User