Posts in 1 min read
End National Hot Dog Month

It’s National Hot Dog Month, and we are dedicated to raising awareness for this social movement. It’s very sad that we have to create a month focusing on raising awareness for hot dogs, yet here we are. Please, please use your common sense and NEVER leave a dog in a hot car! Only you can prevent hot dogs, and remove the need for National Hot Dog Month.

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1 min readGuest User
6 Best Christmas Presents For Dog Lovers

We all have the friend, spouse, parent, sibling, or whoever that loves their dog more than anything (or anyone) else! It can be difficult to find good presents for someone who loves their pup more than words can describe, so we decided to give some inspiration to you!

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1 min readGuest User
My Dog Ate The Thanksgiving Turkey, What Do I Do?

We’ve all seen the scene from A Christmas Story: Ralphie’s dad leaves out the turkey, and their neighbor’s dogs barge in and make themselves at home. There’s nothing he can do while the Bumpus’ dogs eats the whole turkey, as he watches in horror.

While this is comedic gold, dogs eating the Thanksgiving turkey is nothing to joke about in real life. Sadly, over 24,262 pets were treated over the holidays in 2011 from complications from eating human food (such as the Thanksgiving turkey). Why is turkey in particular so bad for our pet’s health?

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1 min readGuest User
7 Festive Activities For Dog Owners this fall

Fall is a great season to be a dog owner. The air is cool and crisp, the leaves are changing, and it’s finally sweater weather. For your dogs, this means it’s the best time to enjoy the outdoors before it gets too hot, or too cold! Here are some of our favorite things to do during the Fall with our dogs.

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1 min readGuest User
10 Signs You're a Dog Owner

Seriously. If you ask a group of diverse people of all sorts of backgrounds and beliefs, we can all bond over a mutual love of dogs. But, there is a difference between loving dogs and owning one. Let’s talk about some of the things us crazy dog owners know and understand, but others may not.

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1 min readGuest User
10 Signs You're A Cat Owner

We love these crazy, fluffy, obnoxious, scattered animals so much, and many people who don’t own cats just don’t get it. People who don’t own cats don’t know what it’s like to hear them running around the house at 3 AM, to find them in the strangest places, or to be woken up by their purring every morning. So here’s to you, cat owner, and some things you understand, but other people might not.

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1 min readGuest User