Fur Family TAIL-Gate Fun

Are you ready for football season?! Whether you are rooting for your local team on a Friday night, traveling to your alma mater for game day, or cheering for your professional team, the season is here to be enjoyed by all! That includes your fur family. Here are some helpful tips to keep your pets happy and healthy this season.

Paws Off! Food Tips

Food is a huge part of any get together, so make sure your little guy or gal isn't able to reach what isn't for them. Try having the food set up outside (if pets stay inside) or push food to the center of table/counter/island if you pup loves to counter surf. Let them in on the fun and make them a special plate by adding an Evolve Classic Crafted Meal with their dry food! You can also give them some special treats when you check on them throughout the party. Stock up ahead of time with some of our favorite  Evolve Treats.

Paw-rty People Tips

When you are party prepping, keeping how your pet interacts with people in the forefront of your mind will help you with the party flow from beginning to end.  Remember, you know your pet better than anyone else. They may be great with you and your family in their normal routine setting, but parties can be loud and too much stimulation for some pets. Try to ease their anxiety by giving them a safe place to go when they feel overwhelmed. This could be their crate if they are already crate trained, inside the house away from the noise, or possibly a local doggy daycare! Safe spaces can be helpful if you have new guests, children that may not know how to interact with a pet, or an elderly participant that may need extra care when at your home. Pets and party people alike will appreciate you proactively creating a comfortable environment for everyone.

Travel Prep Tips

If you are traveling with your pet for game day, make sure they will have everything needed for the drive as well as for the game! It’s always a good idea to be prepared for anything, just in case you need it!

o   Bowls

o   Beds

o   Food

o   Comfort Items

o   Favorite Snack

o   New Bone or Toy

o   Working Harness & Leash

Knowing your environment will help you prepare for the comfort of your pet. For first timers, have a backup plan in case your pet does not mesh well with the energy from the crowds. There will be loud noises and lots of distractions, so think about getting in touch with a daycare in the town/city you are traveling to and pre-register your pup for a night of boarding if the need arises. Better to have a safe place and not need it then to need it and not have it.


What tricks have you found that work for your pets at any party or large gathering? We would love to know how you TAIL-gate with your pet!

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