Your Ultimate Guide to Celebrating Halloween with Pets

Spooky season is officially here! Have you made your plans yet? However you howl, here are some ideas to make sure your pet gets all the treats with no tricks πŸ‘»

Community Events

Community events are great, especially if you don’t have a neighborhood to walk and do the traditional door-to-door trick or treating. Use this as an opportunity to see what your local pet community has to offer.

  • If you live in an apartment or condo, check with your neighbors for dog friendly parties.

  • Research your city’s community calendar or try and follow a local blog to see upcoming events and if they are dog/pet friendly.

  • Trunk-or-Treats are usually located in one central area, so they are a good option if you don’t want to take your pet through the entire neighborhood.

  • See what bars, lounges, or restaurants may be having events and call ahead to see if it is pet friendly.

  • Check social media community groups for local pet parents to ask for other recommendations.

  • Don’t want to get out at night? Think about going to your pet friendly mall and take a stroll in costume during the day.


There’s nothing like a fun filled night of trick-or-treating to celebrate this spook-tacular holiday. Check out our tips below to help you and your pet have a ghoulish good time!

  •  With a new puppy or a first timer, try the houses on your street first and see how your pup responds. That way, if you can sense they are uncomfortable or over stimulated, you are able to take them home before making the rest of your rounds.

  • Make sure you can be seen! A reflective vest and/or LED leash will not only look cool but keep you and your pup visible on a busy street or on those dark corners in your neighborhood.

  • Do a test run with their costume on in your backyard first and make sure they are comfortable with their harness or collar and leash. You can make your adjustments as needed at home and not after you are already down the street.

  • Keep a bag of treats with you so you can reward good behavior. There will be many distractions, new people, loud noises, strange smells, and different environments each step of the way. Treats will help to bring the attention back to you and keep your dog’s focus where it needs to be. Check out our favorite treats!

Haunted House

Maybe you want to stay close to home this year and not get out in the Halloween hoopla. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time! Below are some ways to PAWTY at home with your pet!

  • Inviting family and friends over is always fun and a great way to incorporate your pets! You could have a pet costume contest or show off coordinating outfits. Need tips on having a party with pets? Check out our blog on the Ultimate Dog Birthday Bash for some helpful hints.

  • Grab on to your furry friend while watching a Halloween movie marathon! They always make the best cuddle buddies and give you kisses right when you need them!

  • Have a new rescue or new puppy and don’t want trick or treaters? Turning off your porch light is a universal symbol that you aren’t participating this year.

Purranormal Activity

Dogs don’t get to have all the fun! Remember Halloween and cats go together like Pumpkin & Spice; they were made for each other.

Take your cat with you! Whether you are checking out the community events or trick-or-treating let your cat be part of the fun. There are many different styles of cat backpacks now and they could really aid in a creative costume.


Have a fang-tastic Halloween! Follow Evolve’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages!